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A Foodie's Guide to Alappuzha: Must-Try Local Dishes and Where to Find Them

Discover the best local dishes in Alappuzha with this ultimate foodie guide. From delicious seafood to vegetarian delights, learn where to find the best local cuisine in this charming Kerala town.

If you're a foodie visiting Alappuzha, you're in for a treat! This beautiful town in Kerala, also known as Alleppey, is famous for its delicious local cuisine that is sure to tantalize your taste buds. From fresh seafood to spicy vegetarian dishes, there's something for everyone in this charming town.

In this ultimate foodie guide, we'll take you through the must-try local dishes in Alappuzha and where to find them. Whether you're a fan of spicy curries or love indulging in sweet treats, this guide has got you covered.

So, put on your foodie hat and get ready for a culinary adventure through Alappuzha!

Must-Try Local Dishes in Alappuzha

Alappuzha has a rich culinary history, and the local cuisine is a blend of traditional Kerala dishes with influences from the region's diverse communities. Here are some must-try dishes you can't miss:

Karimeen Pollichathu

Karimeen Pollichathu is a famous seafood dish in Alappuzha made with pearl spot fish. The fish is marinated in a blend of spices, wrapped in a banana leaf, and grilled to perfection. The result is a delicious, smoky flavor that's sure to leave you wanting more.

Where to Find It:

You can find Karimeen Pollichathu in many local restaurants in Alappuzha. Some of the best places to try it include Thaff Delicacy, Cassia, and The Harbour Restaurant.

Puttu and Kadala Curry

Puttu and Kadala Curry is a staple breakfast dish in Kerala and a must-try for any foodie visiting Alappuzha. Puttu is a steamed rice cake made with coconut shavings and served with Kadala Curry, a spicy black chickpea curry. The combination of flavors and textures is sure to wake up your taste buds.

Where to Find It:

Puttu and Kadala Curry are available in many local restaurants and street food stalls. Some of the best places to try it include Indian Coffee House, Halais Restaurant, and Sri Krishna Inn.

Appam and Stew

Appam and Stew is another popular breakfast dish in Alappuzha. Appam is a pancake made with fermented rice batter and coconut milk, while stew is a mildly spiced coconut milk broth with vegetables and meat. The combination of the soft, fluffy appam with the flavorful stew is a match made in foodie heaven.

Where to Find It:

Appam and Stew are available in many local restaurants and street food stalls. Some of the best places to try it include Cassia, Dreamers, and Hotel Arcadia.

Kappa and Fish Curry

Kappa and Fish Curry is a favorite lunchtime dish in Alappuzha. Kappa is boiled tapioca served with spicy fish curry made with local catch. The combination of the starchy kappa with the tangy, spicy fish curry is sure to satisfy your hunger.

Where to Find It:

Kappa and Fish Curry are available in many local restaurants and street food stalls. Some of the best places to try it include Dreamers, The Harbour Restaurant, and Halais Restaurant.

Thalassery Biryani

Thalassery Biryani is a local delicacy in Alappuzha, with its origins in the nearby town of Thalassery. This biryani is different from the traditional Indian biryani as it uses a special rice variety called Khyma rice, which is shorter and thicker than Basmati rice. The rice is cooked with aromatic spices, meat or vegetables, and caramelized onions, creating a flavorful and fragrant dish.

Where to Find It:

You can find Thalassery Biryani in many local restaurants in Alappuzha, including Dreamers, The Harbour Restaurant, and Halais Restaurant.

Where to Find the Best Local Cuisine in Alappuzha

Alappuzha is a foodie's paradise, with an abundance of local restaurants and street food stalls serving delicious food. Here are some of the best places to find local cuisine in Alappuzha:


Dreamers is a popular restaurant in Alappuzha that serves a variety of local and international dishes. Their menu includes delicious local seafood dishes like Karimeen Pollichathu, Kappa and Fish Curry, and Thalassery Biryani.

The Harbour Restaurant

The Harbour Restaurant is a seafood restaurant located on the banks of the backwaters in Alappuzha. They specialize in fresh seafood dishes, including the famous Karimeen Pollichathu.

Halais Restaurant

Halais Restaurant is a local restaurant chain that serves authentic Kerala cuisine, including breakfast dishes like Puttu and Kadala Curry and lunchtime favorites like Kappa and Fish Curry.

Indian Coffee House

Indian Coffee House is a popular chain of cafes in India that serves delicious coffee and snacks. They also serve traditional Kerala breakfast dishes like Puttu and Kadala Curry.


Q: What is the best time to visit Alappuzha for foodies?

A: The best time to visit Alappuzha for foodies is between November and February, as the weather is pleasant, and you can enjoy the local cuisine without worrying about the heat and humidity.

Q: Is Alappuzha a vegetarian-friendly destination?

A: Yes, Alappuzha has many vegetarian options, including delicious dishes like Puttu and Kadala Curry, Appam and Stew, and vegetarian Thali.


Alappuzha is a food lover's paradise, with a rich culinary history and an abundance of delicious local dishes to try. From spicy seafood curries to vegetarian delights, there's something for everyone in this charming town. So, pack your bags, put on your foodie hat, and head to Alappuzha to indulge in some of the best local cuisine Kerala has to offer!


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